About the App
How it Works
time2feel is an emotion-tracking app that gathers real-time information and data about your feelings and activities. It communicates with a wearable device to help monitor your body's physiological responses to the world around you.
The app is currently being used for a study conducted by the Child Emotion and Mental Health Lab at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Therefore, we request that only participants of the study download and use the app. Current participants include families (i.e., parents and children) that consent to participating in our study. Participants of the study receive a wearable device that connects to the app and tracks participants' heart rate and skin conductance level throughout the day. Once connected, participants will receive random notifications to complete a quick survey about their emotions and intensity, their current activities, and who they are currently with, within their family. The app will also communicate with the wearable device and will notify participants when meaningful deviations in physiology are identified, and this will prompt participants to complete an emotions survey. |
Our Purpose
Given that the time2feel app is currently being used as part of a study involving parents and children, researchers hope to take the results from the study to understand family-wide (parent-child, sibling, and whole family) emotion dynamics in real time. Specifically, we'd like to understand how family members’ day-to-day emotion experiences co-occur, influence one another, and contribute to children’s socio-emotional functioning.